Join the Waitlist for Foundations of Fertility now!

Foundations of Fertility

Something BIG is coming! My brand new course, Foundations of Fertility will be launching soon, and I can't wait! This course is all about preparing the body for conception and a healthy pregnancy, complete with six, prerecorded videos, access to an encouraging members only community forum, and weekly live Q & A sessions with yours truly! In this course you will:

~Learn how to chart your cycles, so you can identify the best time to try to conceive

~Discover the best diet for fertility, as well as receive help with meal planning and shopping for healthy food on a budget

~Identify what vitamins and supplements will support healthy eggs and sperm

~Understand the impact of stress and sleep on fertility, learn to de-stress and set healthy boundaries, and create a simple plan that will help you fall and stay asleep

~Learn what products in your home and environment are hindering your fertility, and how to safely detox from them

~Find your fertility team: the providers and services that will best support you on your fertility journey, what tests and labs are essential to finding root causes of fertility issues, and how to advocate for yourself in the healthcare arena

If you're thinking right now that this is what you NEED, I would be honored if you would join me inside Foundations of Fertility! Enrollment for this course is currently closed, but please leave your email to join our waitlist, and you'll be the first to know when it's open. I can't wait to work with you!

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